Summons -- A writ notifying the person named that an action has been filed against the person and Bail -- A sum of money or other form of security given to the court in exchange for the release of the accused from custody and to guarantee that the accused will appear in court. This is usually if you are suspected of more serious crimes such a murder. Circuit Court -- A trial court of general jurisdiction. A case type represents work in your application that follows a life cycle, or path, to completion. Exclusive jurisdiction jurisdiction of a single court for the nature of the case. Hunter Biden asked a judge to deny his 4-year-old daughter from taking his surname claiming it's a lightning rod for criticism and would rob the child of a "peaceful existence.". If the trial is postponed, you must make sure that the defendant is aware of the new hearing. If possible lead with the strongest argument. (See: Attorney of Record) Defendant The person against whom a prosecution is commenced or in a criminal offence who has been charged with a violation of the law or criminal misconduct. Judgment review A procedure in which the trial court (usually the judge, if not available) is asked to correct an allegedly unlawful judgment or vary the judgment; Following the trial, the sentence may be reduced or remain the same, but may only be increased if the defendant leaves the courtroom at the time of the original sentencing. Distress or Distraint -- Seizure; taking personal property out of the custody of a wrongdoer and into the custody of the party injured; for example, distress is a remedy for failure to pay rent. Notice of Release -- A written request for expungement of police records. Ecitation -- The electronic version of the MD Uniform Complaint and Citation (traffic citation). Certified Mail -- Mail deposited with the US Postal Service, with postage prepaid and return receipt requested. Judgment should be read full and complete: One should remember that the judgment should be read right from the statement of facts/brief facts narrated in the case law (for understanding the facts on which the petitioner/appellant has knocked the doors of the Court); What does Held concluded mean in a court case? What does trial keypoint mean Cases without a unique court identifier (Reported cases): Where a case does not use a unique court identifier in the citation, it has come from a law report series Different court rules apply to different types of cases and different courts (e.g., small claims, District Court, circuit court). Stay -- Hold in abeyance. Clean For cleaning or extinguishing; delete inactive records from court records; in the context of a non-compliance with the civil law, to remedy the non-compliance caused by the finding of non-compliance. Charging Document -- A written accusation alleging that a defendant has committed an offense, including a citation, an indictment, an information, and or a statement of charges. (Compare concurrent jurisdictions) Body Attachment A written court order directing a sheriff or peace officer to take custody and bring it before the court: 1. Minor -- An individual under the age of 18 (eighteen) years. Nolo Contendere (Trans: I will not contest it.) -- The name of a plea in a criminal action having the same legal effect as a plea of guilty so far as regards all proceedings in the case and on which the defendant may be sentenced. The word "certiorari" comes from the Latin word "certiorare," which means "to make more certain." In legal terms, it refers to the process of obtaining more certain or definite information about a case, typically by having it reviewed by a higher court. These essential elements keep the story running smoothly and allow the action to develop in a logical way that the reader can follow. Indictment An indictment returned by a grand jury and filed in district court. . The ideal condition is to have 100% OA. Hospital Order In accordance with sections 12 to 120 of the General Health Act, a warrant of arrest issued by a court if it is determined that there is a probable reason that the said defendant has violated parole under Title 12 of the General Health Section. Mistakes do happen, and mistakes can happen, but it is rare to nonexistent for a person to be charged with a crime and not know it. Eviction -- Action taken to legally dispossess a person of land or property. How do you get a judge to rule in your favor? Hospital Warrant -- In accordance with Health-General Article 12-120, a warrant issued by the court where a determination that probable cause exists that the named defendant has violated a conditional release under Title 12 of the Health-General Article. Accomplice -- A person who knowingly and willingly assists the principal offender in the commission of a crime. Hearsay -- Evidence offered by a witness based on what others have said. Also contains an order of the judge who determined the courtroom or administrative proceeding. Court -- Judge or body of judges whose task is to hear cases and administer justice. Seizure -- The taking of a defendants property to satisfy a judgment. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including the filing of an appeal, the need for further legal proceedings, or the granting of a temporary reprieve. (Compare Public Record or Confidential Record). You have a first amendment right to free speech and free expression. Tap Done. Another, more macabre, reason is that someone has died, gotten seriously injured, or fallen gravely ill. Case types assigned by the Court include Civil (?cv? This could mean that someone is trying to establish paternity, which could lead to other hearings such as custody, parenting time, or support. Release of Lien -- The cancellation of record of a Declaration of Trust or other recorded security instrument given to secure a bail bond that has been discharged. Arraignment -- The procedure whereby the accused is brought before the court to plead to the criminal charge in the indictment or information. Citation -- A charging document, other than an indictment, information, or statement of charges, issued to a defendant by a peace officer or other person authorized by law to do so. You will be called to a Mentions Court when the prosecution is ready to charge you officially. ESCH on 1-8-2010 trial was scheduled for 2-9-2010 at 9 am courtroom 1. Intrastate Detainer -- An arrest warrant issued on a charging document in Maryland and lodged with a correctional institution in Maryland in which the defendant is already in custody for the same or another offense to ensure continued detention of the defendant until processed on the charges underlying the warrant. What does criminal assignment notice mean in Maryland? Police Record -- All official records that a law enforcement unit, booking facility, or the Central Repository maintains about the arrest and detention of, or further proceeding against, a person for a criminal charge, a suspected violation of a criminal law, or a violation of the Transportation Article for which a term of imprisonment may be imposed. Collateral Security -- Any property or money pledged or given to guarantee bail. Witness -- One who testifies to what he has seen, heard, or otherwise observed and who is not necessarily a party to the action. Case Law -- Decisions of federal and state courts interpreting and applying laws in specific fact situations; opinions are reported in various volumes. Co-defendant -- One of multiple persons named in the same civil complaint or charged in the same criminal charging document. Warrant -- A written order by a judicial officer commanding a peace officer to arrest the person named in it or to search for and seize property as described in it. Whether you are the person who filed the complaint (the plaintiff) or the person being sued (the respondent), read the complaint and read it again. Tort (Trans: twisted) -- An injury or damage to person/or property for which the person who caused the injury is legally responsible. Expungement -- The effective removal of police and/or court record from public inspection. Clemency: Also referred to as executive clemency, clemency is the power a president possesses in federal criminal cases to offer a legal reprieve to a person convicted of a crime. Law Enforcement Unit -- A State, county, or municipal police department or unit, the office of a Sheriff, the office of a States Attorney, or the office of the Attorney General of the State. Petitioner -- The person requesting the court's help. The information provided does not create an attorney-client relationship. Immunity from Prosecution -- Protection from prosecution in exchange for testimony that might not otherwise by forthcoming. 2. 1. Porto eCommerce. and Miscellaneous (?mc?). One reason would be that a settlement has been reached and they no longer need your statement. Bench Warrant -- A warrant issued by a judge for the arrest of a defendant for failure to appear in court as required. What Does Keypoint Mean in a Court Case - Saint-Bernard Mandate - The judgment rendered on the decision of a court of appeal. Subsequent Offender -- A defendant who, because of prior conviction, is subject to additional or mandatory statutory punishment for the offense charged. Clerk -- An officer of the court who maintains case files, makes docket entries, issues process, and generally serves as the ministerial arm of the court. (See: Counsel). Restitution -- The act of making good or giving equivalent of any loss, damage, or injury. It is a designation telling the lawyer where the case is in the docket progression. Your point headings serve both organizational and persuasive functions: they. The court must impose a fine in all cases, unless the defendant can establish that he or she is unable to pay a fine and is not likely to become able to pay any fine. Statement of Charges -- A charging document, other than a citation, filed in District Court by a peace officer or by a judicial officer. Garnishee -- A person holding the property or assets of a judgment debtor. Although judges may be addressed with other titles, the proper salutation for a judge is your honor in all cases, and by all people involved in the court system. Review of Sentence -- Review of a criminal sentence by a three judge panel (excluding the sentencing judge) on application of the defendant; as a result of the review, the sentence may be increased, decreased, or remain unchanged. Hospital Order In accordance with sections 12 to 120 of the General Health Act, a warrant of arrest issued by a court if it is determined that there is a probable reason that the said defendant has violated parole under Title 12 of the General Health Section. Attachment -- The process of apprehending a person (as in a body attachment) or seizing property to satisfy a judgment. Can remaining silent be used against you? They make mistakes periodically. Witness Someone who testifies to what they saw, heard or otherwise observed and who is not necessarily a party to the lawsuit. According to the program, the court identifies the lawyers who represent the parties. However, decisions could be made at such hearings that alter the case's trajectory. A stay of execution is a legal term that refers to the postponement of a court-ordered punishment or sentence. A point of law is a theoretical legal concept that refers to the application of principles of law to particular facts. Jury -- A group of 12 citizens assembled to hear evidence at trial and make a unanimous decision as to guilt or innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. Office of Administration. (Also known as Examination in Aid of Enforcement of Judgment; formally known as Supplementary Proceeding in aid of enforcement of judgment.). Surety -- One who makes himself responsible for the defendants obligation to appear in court and agrees to pay money or do other acts in the event that the defendant does not appear. Initial Appearance -- The procedure by which an arrested defendant is promptly brought before a judicial officer who advises the defendant of the charges against him, his right to counsel, and his first day to appear in court and establishes conditions of pre-trial release. A judge may issue an involuntary dismissal with or without prejudice, depending on the reason for the dismissal. The court may also order a fine as a condition of probation or supervised release. 2. Nolle Prosequi (Nol Pros) (Trans: to be unwilling to proceed) -- A formal motion in a case by the States Attorney, indicating that the charges will not be prosecuted. Transfer -- In a criminal case, a change of location (venue) of the case to another location in which charges are pending and to which the defendant has pled guilty or nolo contendere, to permit the defendant to similarly plead to the transferred charges, and have sentence imposed as to all the charges. The judge will ask for an explanation of all the points of the complaint. Examination in Aid of Enforcement of Judgment -- A request by plaintiff (judgment creditor) to discover the assets of a defendant (judgment debtor) after entry of judgment. When reading a case you should be noting various pieces of information, in particular: the case name; the citation; the court deciding the case; what was the issue in the case; what decision did the court reach in the case; and how did the court arrive at its decision. Process -- Any written order issued by a court to secure compliance with its commands or to require action by any person and includes a summons, subpoena, an order of publication, or a commission of other writ. The dictionary defines automation as the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically. We define automation as the creation and application of technology to monitor and control the production and delivery of products and services., The risks include the possibility that workers will become slaves to automated machines, that the privacy of humans will be invaded by vast computer data networks, that human error in the management of technology will somehow endanger civilization, and that society will become dependent on automation for its economic . Settlement Conference -- A process in which you and anyone else involved in your case meet with a neutral attorney who will help you try and find ways to settle your case. Action -- All the steps by which a party seeks to enforce any right in a court or all the steps of a criminal prosecution. Mandate The judgment rendered on the decision of a court of appeal. What does JM mean in court? Copyright 2023 Saint-Bernard | application. Custodia Legis Under the care of the law; Property that has been lawfully seized in the course of legal proceedings and is in the possession of a public official or a court legally entitled to own it. As such, the position of judge is considered to be an honorable position and should be treated accordingly with respect and deference. Can you be charged with a crime without knowing? But whatever the meaning of "clear error" in this context, the Court . The court record of a current proceeding is to be erased back to Key point 2, i.e., all pleadings after that (higher key point dates). Conclusion. Litigant -- A party to a lawsuit; one engaged in litigation. Depending on your case, you may have to attend court more than once. Custody Case -- The type of proceeding in which the court determines which parent, other adult, or agency shall have physical control over a child. Typically defendants enter one of the following pleas: guilty, not guilty, or nolo contendere. In a common law system, the opinions of the courts are the law by which all disputes are resolved. Docket -- A list of the cases to be heard in the court; or a formal record of courts activity. Do it well before the trial date. Appellate Court of Maryland -- Marylands intermediate appellate court wherein review is ordinarily a matter of right. What does to be spoken to mean in court? Stet (Trans: to stand) -- A conditional stay of all further proceedings in a case. Lawyers analyze previous opinions on similar legal issues and try to draw parallels between their case and favorable court opinions and distinguish negative opinions. Sentence -- The judgment of court after conviction awarding punishment. The Montana legislature is considering a proposal that would interpret the state's constitutional right to privacy to mean that it does not protect the right to an abortion, a move that would echo others in several states to severely restrict or ban abortion. Osteoarthritis Medical Orthopaedic and more, Office of Administration Academic & Science Ocean Science and more, Olympic Airways Business Companies & Firms, Ordinary Accounts + 1 variant Business, Singapore, Fund, Ordinarys Accounts Business, Singapore, Investment. Most often asked questions related to bitcoin! This simply means there are no further dates for that matter scheduled on the court's calendar. Public Record -- A record maintained in a government office, such as a court record, available for inspection by the general public. 347, 353.). Expungement The effective removal of police and/or court records from public inspection. At the request of the prosecutor, the court may indefinitely postpone the hearing of an indictment by marking the indictment as stet on the indictment. 1 attorney answer It just means that something happened in connection with his case on that date. Not included are records pertaining to nonincarcerable violations of the Maryland vehicle laws or other traffic law, ordinance, or regulation, published opinions of the Court, cash receipt and disbursement records necessary for audit purposes; or a Court reporters transcript of proceedings involving multiple defendants. Writ of Garnishment of Property -- An order of court commanding that a defendants assets be seized and the money paid to the plaintiff to satisfy a judgment. Judges consider relevant opinions in making their decisions. Posted on Dec 7, 2020 It just means that something happened in connection with his case on that date. This usually happens if the judge decides there is some legal reason the case cannot go forward to trial. A senior police officer of superintendent rank or above, can decide that you need to be kept in the police station for longer than 24 hours. CN. Custody -- The detainment of a person by virtue of lawful process or authority; actual imprisonment. DP approach it's a case . Having a completely paperless working environment is both cost-saving as well as eco-conscious. While the case may not remain in District court, your bail review and initial charges will be heard in this level of Court. Appellate Court -- A court having jurisdiction to review the judgment or order of a lower court. The guidelines have a separate table governing fine amounts for individuals (5E1.2) and . Might not otherwise by forthcoming exchange for testimony that might not otherwise by forthcoming such a murder -- defendant! Court for the nature of the MD Uniform complaint and Citation ( traffic Citation ) scheduled on reason! - the judgment rendered on the reason for the nature of the complaint what does keypoint mean in a court case ( as in body. Judges whose task is to have 100 % OA are the law by which all disputes resolved! Does to be spoken to Mean in court as required single court for the arrest of a defendants to... 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