Keep brainstorms smaller so everyone has a chance to surface ideas -- and so the conversation doesn't become cacophonous with interruptions and diverging tangents. solutions to flesh the original idea out into a conceivable project. However, pair the video with hashtags, blog posts, and emails, and they come together to form a marketing campaign. Write headlines that drive traffic, shares, & searchresults. Reach out to previous buyers, gather testimonials, and curate these customer reviews. If youre a visual learner, chances are the development of an online mood board will spark inspiration and help you explain your ideas more clearly. Here are a few creative ways to help liven up your brainstorming sessions to improve your team's output of ideas. Whether that's by silently voting on the best ideas or by merging ideas with similar ones to map out themes, the end of any brainstorm should feel like the culmination of a lot of hard work, team effort, and good vibes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Kyle is a senior client partner that brings almost a decade of experience managing digital marketing projects for a wide variety of clients. And when your job requires churning them out on a daily basis, it can be easy to hit a wall. The term brainstorm elicits a vivid image of a storm of ideas in ones mind, however the term was coined by Alex Faickney Osborn (the O in BBDO) to describe the technique of using the brain to storm a creative problem and do so in commando fashion, with each stormer attacking the same objective. I prefer this image because it describes a method that not only uses teamwork, but attacking the problem without fear. The grid Events can take all different types of shapes. The push for inclusivity in sports has become increasingly important, and the NFLcreated this campaign to broadcast their stance. brainstorming efforts garner the results youre looking for. Sometimes everyone agrees with one of the early ideas for harmonys sake or from a desire to end the meeting faster. 8 Brainstorming Ideas to Inspire Brilliance. 1 1) Come up with bad ideas first. The best brainstorming sessions come when everyone in the room feels comfortable throwing out all of their ideas, 2 2) Break and build ideas. 3 3) Play word games. 4 4) Create a mood board. 5 5) Play improv games. More items Try another search, and we'll give it our best shot. By asking themselves What would so-and-so want? or What would he think about this? they can quickly do a mental check to make sure that whatever they are doing is on the right track. Because of this, you need to make sure your campaigns stand out. The campaign used lemons to simulate irregularities that women can check for in-between their regular mammogram screenings. Markman suggests giving people time to think by themselves prior to the Gap-filling brainstorming might produce ideas like: With brainwriting (also called slip writing), each participant gets a piece of paper or an index card to use to write down ideas. This exercise can also be a great way to help your team get into the mind of your potential buyers, and uncover some of the root causes or events that trigger their journey towards a purchase. Here at CoSchedule, we repost customer feedbackand give discounts to customers willing to share their thoughts. 1) Come up with an initial Once you've spent some time sharing throwaway ideas and having a few laughs, you can refocus on brainstorming ideas that could work. This campaign gave customers a peek into the brands journey while beautifully connecting to the product. Tell them to throw away their top half of ideas. Share out with your team. Setting an agenda ensures no time is wasted on Call our client services team and well get to work. It lets you create mind maps that are picture-perfect for creating and sharing ideas visually. 24 Marketing Campaign Ideas To Spark Your Inspiration. They took their platform and used it to spread awareness of the terrifyingly high suicide rate among LGBTQ+ youth. The epic collaboration exploded amongst fans. Ever been to one where you left feeling like your team didn't really come away with anything useful? Use NationalDayCalendar.comto find relevant holidays. To prepare your initial ideas, jot down any idea that comes to mind. to invite anonymous submissions, which can then be discussed openly and This approach works best when used as a group brainstorming technique, and it helps to have a facilitator guide the conversation. Web6. objectives. Start out brainstorming sessions by spending 10 minutes coming up with a bunch of bad ideas first. MacKenzie Wutzke is a Content Specialist who loves using her creativity to generate new ideas for CoSchedules blog and social media platforms. Companies will find that simple calls to action like this one can expand the reach of a campaign in a hurry. to voice. This method works because no one has to worry about whether the group will support them. This campaign used family values and current events to relate to their target audience and drive sales. Instead of seeing the true underlying problem, we tend to see only the symptoms. Instead of yelling Bang! they must yell the other persons name. wheat from the chaff and leave with a solid handful of options that will be In fact, brainstorms work best when every attendee is at about the same level, so next time, leave the boss out of it. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The game is admittedly cheesy, but thats the point. It is also useful because its very good at wiping the canvas clean and transitioning participants away from work mode and hierarchy. contributing to the session. One way to turn a few ideas into many is by breaking them down or building them up. Spend 15-20 minutes of heads down time for individual thinking. Get started with online brainstorming by learning common advantages and challenges. A group of 10 people or fewer will still be able to feed and build off each others' ideas -- without drowning anyone out or getting too off-track. During an amateur improv performance, if you see one performer reject anothers idea, its like a needle scratching a record very awkward. Your audience likely has diverse interests. Wont that kill the creativity? Not so. Web4 Ideas brainstorm Give the team a few minutes to come up with ideas for the new marketing campaign. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The campaign based on infographics was wildly successful due to its knowledgeable nature and subject matter. can voice left-field ideas, you may need to intervene should things stray too Luckily, weve come up with some amazing marketing campaign ideas to help you do it. Having deals like these can attract the attention of your customers and help you clear out old inventory: Partnering with a charity can be a great way to help your audience feel good by doing good.,,,,,, 5 Group Brainstorming Activities, Techniques and Exercises to Inspire Creativity at Your Next Sales & Marketing Kick-Off Meetings, 5 Reasons Why an SEO Audit is Worth The Money in 2023, Top 7 Alternative Career Paths For Journalists, How to Create Free Landing Pages for Schools (With Checklist), The Ultimate Guide to Core Web Vitals For A Healthy Website, Importance of Having a Facebook Ads Conversion Funnel. Mind mapping tools are ideal for brainstorming and Mindmeister is one such web-based software. "It is easier to tone down a wild idea than to think up a new one."
Copyright 2023 Pepperland Marketing, LLC. You could: Viking Booksheld this giveaway campaign to spread awareness for the new book, Times Convert.. Try Miro's inspiring and totally free online brainstorming tool. Do a final call for any new ideas that might have emerged. Cant make the pieces fit? Be directly related to the topic of your campaign. When brainstorming is too structured, it inhibits the creative process and disrupts the flow of ideas, which is the antithesis of the concept. Theyre made up of bubbles and arrows connecting different words and thoughts to a central concept. However, they would only draw a winner after a football fell out of a block of ice. limitations, and ask that each person prepares 3-5 ideas to lay the foundations But some members on your team might be worried they'll sound stupid or uninformed if they pitch ideas that aren't well thought-out. The game can end after a few revolutions around the room or the story seems to find a natural ending. Its a known creativity killer and is almost impossible to combat once it seeps into the fabric of a brainstorm. Your environment is very important to creative thinking, which is why a creative space full of inspiring images, art, and plenty of space (either physical or digital) for whiteboards, sticky notes, and mood boards is important. You can run multiple groups at the same time, as long as they work on different parts of the problem. What separates your product from thee competition. Dont set a numerical goal for your ideas. Finally, another word game you could try is coming up with what Creative Bloq calls "essence words": Words that capture the spirit, personality, and message you're trying to put across -- even if they seem crazy. fresh perspectives, knowledge and experience helping to create a more ), Print collateral (agenda, campaign notes, etc. A leader asks team members to write down their ideas over a week or so. Get our latest content directly to your inbox. Then they add on to the picture as a direction is given: Picture the e-book with the clients brand on it. See the features or topics it should cover.. Randomly ask one team member to share their ideas. The moderator would start by throwing out a simple prompt. They then build out and develop, introducing their own ideas and Remember that the right people might not be those you work Theres not necessarily a set order in which to participateanyone can jump up with their joke after the last comedian has finished. Its successful because it targets its entire audience, personalizes it, and uses a multi-channel approach. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. want results. Entertaining and motivating original stories to help move your visions forward. What would they not care about? Weve all been there, but it doesnt have to be like that! These games are great ways to push people a bit out of their comfort zones in order to prevent self-censorship. If there are multiple points of business, prioritise the From here, you can build on and discuss individual ideas, The slower of the two is eliminated and becomes part of the judging panel for any close contests. Consider these creative contest campaigns instead: For example, Wix encouraged users to enter their super bowl contest for a chance to win $50,000. So if you start with the word "dog," you might draw paws, a tail, and a collar. You can never predict virality, but there are ways to increase the chances of your campaign going viral: Your story is an effective marketing tool. When not writing for CoSchedule, she enjoys listening to true crime podcasts, baking, and composing new songs on herukulele. When the Coronavirus pandemic first began, Clorox wanted to educate consumers on the importance of disinfecting surfaces. Write it down on your board to get started. User-generated content carries additional weight because it comes from an actual customer. Every few minutes, another person comes in, and the process repeats. In the simplest form, brainstorming can be understood as the process of These ideas can be used to shape your marketing teams content marketing editorial calendar, as well as your business development teams prospecting strategy. A daily dose of irreverent and informative takes on business & tech news, Turn marketing strategies into step-by-step processes designed for success, Explore what it takes to be a creative business owner or side-hustler, Listen to the world's most downloaded B2B sales podcast, Get productivity tips and business hacks to design your dream career, Free ebooks, tools, and templates to help you grow, Learn the latest business trends from leading experts with HubSpot Academy, All of HubSpot's marketing, sales CRM, customer service, CMS, and operations software on one platform. Shipping a new product or feature can be an exciting yet stressful experience. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Journalism is an essential part of todays society. On the first run-through of the game, the next person should respond with Yes, but and give out a reason why the last persons item wouldnt be that great and then follow it with what theyre going to bring. Run a series of social media posts promoting your sign-up form. Set an intention. Im listing this one first, because its a great ice breaker and it gets everyone on their feet and their blood pumping. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. element of note-taking, assigning someone to record everything will make sure of each idea, before pitting them against one another and scrapping those that Each of these techniques promotes creative approaches to a problem or issue. 1. When those two are considered separately, only then can you visualize a unique combination of needs that this ball-hat would solve. Record the idea. Ask each player to write on an index card an idea about how to handle the situation. Image source: CoSchedule. The viral commercial ended with a message of support for The Trevor Project. Most decisions that people make are choices between something that will benefit them and something that will harm them (even if they dont realize that the trade-off exists). If youre looking for some new ways to infuse creativity into your next kickoff or brainstorming session, incorporating brainstorming games or activities into the agenda is a great place to start. Having regular intervals of ideation helps to disrupt the workflow to motivate and engage the team. Evaluating ideas too early in the process can derail brainstorming. the prospect of a deadline can help participants to focus and thrive under ( Hint: consider subheadings.) What is brainstorming in marketing? Brainstorming is the process of searching for ideas by taking every thought no matter how awkward it is into consideration. Some will transform into marketing decisions later, but the primary goal of this process is to go above and beyond the perceived best practices. Groupthink is an easy trap to fall into when youre brainstorming. By using Content Marketing Institute. person can share an idea. Out of Ideas? becoming distracted, burying their nose in their laptop or notebook rather than These include: By aligning yourself with these values, you can also attract customers who believe in them. Here are 10 tips to inspire and energize your team for your best brainstorm ever. Just say it. This is a great way to democratically cull any ideas which This is when It will also imbue participants More importantly, it really gets you to think about complex solutions. However, before we go through a good brainstorm warm-up, we need to know that were warming up the right things. do this is to face off ideas against each other until youre left with a Work with a diverse group of individuals who all have on-the-ground knowledge of the problem youre trying to attack. You can invite people to collaborate on mind maps by adding comments on topics and voting on ideas. The best brainstorming sessions come when everyone in the room feels comfortable throwing out all of their ideas, regardless of whether or not they're gold. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '1a0a4e5a-b3ce-4c8b-bc42-4e24cde930ae', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); The best way to get the creative juices flowing isn't by sitting your team around a conference table and asking them to shout out ideas as they come to them. In the almost 70 years since researchers have improved upon his process. From there, you go around the room in a circle and each person adds the next sentence to the story. Here are some to consider: No matter what type of event youre running, build a campaign across your website, social media, and email list. ensure everyone gets a say. Discuss the ideas generated and see if you can put of them into action. nine circles. This exercise will likely take around 1 hour to complete. This is a good one and everyone knows how to play it. Create a diagram starting with a central idea, and then branch out into major sub-topics, then sub-sub-topics. The exercise will likely take 10 to 15 minutes per persona investigated. See our Terms & Policies. (Not to mention frustrating.). In marketing, brainstorming is usually a meeting where team members from different areas come together and think of a new strategy, slogan, design style, etc. Though somewhat controversial, this campaign successfully reached 1.4 milliononline mentions the first week it aired. Spotifycreated an annual viral marketing campaign where they automatically compile playlists of music users listened to most. An atmosphere that appreciates and encourages free thought devoid of criticism that allows participants to shoot ideas from the hip as long as theyre on topic. Dont be afraid to use multiple techniques in a single brainstorming session. To understand how to warm up properly for a brainstorm, we must identify the muscles needed. Mind mapsare like visual idea trees. Holding a FAQ campaign allows you to talk to your customers and let them know that you hear their concerns. Only then does the floor open for additional ideas and critiques. Prepare the necessary hardware (syncing to a projector, Your editorial calendar has holes. We find brainwriting listen back when its convenient. First Half: Brainstorm Start sharing ideas. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. To start, have someone write a question or problem on a large piece of paper or a whiteboard displayed in a public place. Another idea is to have your team stand up and walk around while brainstorming, to encourage fluid creativity. Heres a list of things to Here are some popular options: You now know how to do your research, brainstorm ideas, and develop campaign concepts. An Empathy Map is a great visual way to kick off this process and get your teams creative juices flowing. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. To start, close your eyes and describe what you want to create. Then, share positive feedback to draw in new prospects. Sometimes, you may need more. They also share personalized data with each user (i.e., their top artists, genres, and minutes listened to). Creating entertaining content that reinforces your brand awareness and perception is perfect for building up an audience. The campaign garnered worldwide attention and helped Apple promote their new product with customer testimony. Because of the quick nature of elevator rides, these pitches need to be short, concise, and straight to the point. For instance, a new e-book for a software provider client., Each person in the group sets the intention in their mind, then closes their eyes again. (Flow charts can help). Give the team structure with goals for the brainstorm. This will help you set a much more open and playful tone than a formal atmosphere would. Your brainstorming session should have structure; it should Have each participant present their ideas to the group. Repeat unto you have used all 5 sticky notes. In this game, you get the group to shout out two nouns that are to be combined into a new product. You can record the word storm on a piece of paper or a whiteboard or by using this online word storm tool to create a visual map -- which you can save, export, and send to the team after the meeting. And guess what? Copyright 2023 Informa PLC Other interactive content includes: A how-to campaign uses educational materials such as an instructional video or blog post to teach consumers about your product. individuals who dont normally work together, and ensures that the meeting gets Heres how to structure a brainstorm with heads-down time: Start with a quick 3-5 minute icebreaker. What would that person do to manage the issue or opportunity youre solving in your group brainstorm? All the aspects join together to accomplish a unified goal. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. You might find that it helps spark other ideas down the line. feasible beyond the boardroom. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Customers may be The zanier the truths the more likely you are to stump your colleagues. Although I find the Welcome everybody. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". You can also use discounts and exclusive deals as an incentive for referring someone. Its definitely a difficult game and puts participants on the spot, but youll be amazed at how each participant will be able to come up with something creative. This promotes active listening (something we all can benefit from). See how Portent can help you own your piece of the web. 2023 Banc Media Ltd t/a Banc, Privacy Policy For true creative brainstorming, we dont want our commandos to prepare with research or preconceived solutions. Continue asking team members to share ideas throughout the brainstorm session. It also keeps one or two people from dominating the conversation. If you havent assembled the right people, you will come up short in the end with unrealistic pie-in-the-sky ideas and no real problem solving. The commercials started circulating again, and viewers voted on which one was their favorite. The Queen is Still Press Royalty But the Public Want Meghan Markle, Book the space and make sure its free when the Brainstorming has been in use since the 1950s, when Alex Osborn an advertising executive who increasingly became fascinated by creative thinking decided that the best way to generate ideas and find solutions to problems was to collaborate with your team. If you're starting with a really general theme, try breaking it down into parts and details and seeing if other ideas branch from it. What can we offer them to reach their goals? Sign up to receive our posts via email! How to Brainstorm Online: The Starter Kit, 3 Brainstorming Examples to Inspire Creativity, Read: Kickstart ideation with 5 types of brainstorming questions. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. The stepladder technique encourages team building while ensuring everyone has a chance in the spotlight. theres been adequate preparation, 20-30 minutes is a reasonable ballpark for a This is why brainstorming is often connected with improvits all about yes, and not no, but.. Then, leverage them to promote your products and services. The power lies in collaboration, creativity, and teamwork. Collaborative brainwriting is similar to brainwriting, but the idea generation may happen asynchronously. Free and premium plans, Customer service software. Dont worry about the quality of the ideajust get as many of them out there as possible! Step 6: Give a final call for ideas. A mood board is just an old-school-style collage made up of colors, images, typography and textures to spark creativity and drum up emotions. At the end of rules. Give them 3 minutes to write down as many marketing ideas as they can (1 idea per post-it note) After the 3 minutes is up, have them rank their ideas in order. far from the goals of the session. This game warms up listening skills and considers the previous contributions before opening your mouth. Create a campaign that leans on hard facts, demonstrating what you can do that your competitors cant. Do this by weighing up the pros and cons The rules are more like guidelines to ensure that we create an environment where creativity can flow freely and that the focus of the brainstorm isnt lost. September 06, 2017, Coming up with fresh, new ideas isn't easy. For the last 30 years leading creative marketing teams, Ive landed on a number of important guidelines that work well when were doing campaign brainstorming, especially with time constraints. You canpromote any piece of content you create with social media and email campaigns. Darren has 15+ years of marketing experience for retail, manufacturing, and internet corporations. If you work with other companies or use products from third-party vendors, consider reaching out and doing some co-marketing. Build engagement through a high-quality, interactive contentcampaign. A giveaway campaign is a great way to get your audience excited about new products. Here is a list of five great activities that will help spark the right kind of thinking for your brainstorm: Everyone stands in a circle except for the moderator, who in this game acts as the sheriff. Then, ask everybody in the brainstorming meeting to come up with ideas for how to get from point A to point B. Youll get everything from highly specific suggestions to generalized overviews. In the remaining eight circles, The commercials follow the lives of young gamers as they play their favorite games thanks to the Xbox Adaptive Controller. impartially at the start of the session. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has a rule when it comes to meetings that applies to brainstorms too: Don't invite more people than could be fed by two pizzas. Embrace crazy ideas. We want to start with blank canvases. Think of related issues. session is due to start, Prepare the necessary hardware (syncing to a This approach works best when you want to enhance, not reinvent the wheel. See pricing, Marketing automation software. Here are their 7 tips for brainstorming: What do these all have in common? opportunity to feedback on ideas some people may have been too self-conscious To create a word storm, write down one word, and then brainstorm a whole slew of words that come to mind from that first word. Heres more information: Brainstorm a List of Potential Topics One of the first steps to start brainstorming your content marketing ideas is to create a list of topics you want to cover. Contests can be more than the cliche like this post to win a free iPad campaign. If not, you can repeat the process again until you have a clear answer. Nothing gets the creative juices flowing like a little improvisation. objectives in mind. You might throw one out yourself first to show them what you mean. A marketing campaign is a multi-channel promotion centered around a theme, event, or specific content.Marketing campaign ideas are the published content, or events, that bring your message to your audience. Enlisting people from other teams and departments will bring As soon as the first odd number is called, it is their signal to turn and fire yelling out the others name. The exercise will likely take between an hour and an hour and a half. The charrette method, or design charrette, works best when brainstorming with a large group. Doing this will help your team recognize an ideal customer when one appears, will help them to become more attuned to the customers needs and desires, and will allow them to quickly check whether or not they are working in a way that will appeal to their ideal customer. ), Provide paper, pens and other materials where But it David Keley, founder of IDEO, delivers a really amazing talk about creative confidence. Add them in! Brainstorming We need deliberate warm-up exercises that are not only fun, but really help your team to open their minds and set themselves up for the right type of creative thinking. By starting your brainstorm with quiet, solo ideation time, it not only gives more introverted personalities time to work, but will prevent people from falling into groupthink right off the bat. Start with a quick 3-5 minute icebreaker. Give the team structure with goals for the brainstorm. Then, pass the grid around so that each Another GREAT version of this is the Reversed Brainstorm exercise from Bastiaan van de Werk. See how Infinite Red's Lead Designer, Justin Huskey, solved the challenges of brainstorming remotely. The moderator doesnt want to fill in any more information than is needed just enough to get it started. Read: Kickstart ideation with 5 types of brainstorming questions. So, basically, the wilder the better. etc. If not, you get the group to shout out two nouns that to... Cookie consent plugin clean and transitioning participants away from work mode and hierarchy early ideas for blog... On infographics was wildly successful due to its knowledgeable nature and subject matter on maps. Of marketing experience for retail, manufacturing, and we 'll give it our best shot to come up fresh! Can benefit from ) Bastiaan van de Werk hour and a half terrifyingly suicide! A brainstorm, we must identify the muscles needed or use products from third-party,... 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