Answer: Well it all depends on who is saying it and the intention. -Arthur Baer. Busier than a squirrel in a sack full of nuts. #8 a flopping fish in an ice chest. Their vociferous habit wakes up the house, signaling time to work. One things for sure, Gone with the Wind this aint! Hes so skinny, if he stood sideways and stuck out his tongue, hed look like a zipper. But sadly for the rabbit, the easiest way to investigate its ovaries involved its death. Question: What is the meaning of the Southern saying "Low in the hole"? Do you have a favorite saying not listed? In 1929, then-Governor of Louisiana Huey Long, nicknamed The Kingfish, tried to enact a five-cent tax on each barrel of refined oil to fund welfare programs. Before personal matters were considered appropriate topics for conversation, people still managed to convey some pretty private ideas through the use of euphemisms. Im finer than frog hair split four ways. A bad idea/plan. Bumfuzzled means dazed, confused and bewildered. Ive said it so often to my grand nieces as they were growing up, this expression is now used by the girls. Thanks for the article. (Hes royally pissed off. Hotter than a stepmother's kiss. Disclosure: This site is sponsored by ads and affiliate programs. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Here in Appalachia, we've heard all of these and many more. } else { If you dont have dogs, if you dont love dogs, you have come from somewhere else and are just pretending to be Southern, probably to meet women who are really into bad grammar and droppin gs. varmint - an animal (usually wild) Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. 18. For example, y'all may all see a photo of a Cool Whip container and think, "Oh, that's a topping for my dessert!" And that's totally fine, and valid. No, this isnt Southern sexual innuendo. By Rachidlharime. Keep it up and I'll cancel your birth certificate. Early to Bed and Early to Rise Makes You Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise. This one may sound a little blue, but it has a practical source. (Translation: A very large bra. He's about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Question: I didn't grow up in the south, but I did grow up a country boy in Iowa. I've looked all over hell and half of Georgia to find the best and funniest Southern sayings for all y'all, and I sure hope they tickled you as much as they tickled me. According to Book Browse, the phrase "knee-high to a grasshopper"which refers to smallness associated with a young agefirst appeared in The Democratic Review in 1851. With that culture comes some of the greatestsaying you may ever hear, to us Southerners its just normal talkbut to others I realize the southern slang may not be so easy to understand. You're gonna have old and new-monia dressed like that! Shes as happy as a dead pig in the sunshine. ), Or this one: "His heart is a thumpin' gizzard." On the other hand, there are some Southernisms that it might take a Yankee like me years to figure out without a translator. Example: "That's not going to work, son. She squeezes a quarter so tight you can hear the eagle scream - She's very tight-fisted with her money. Bumfuzzled is like being hammered drunk, spun around three times and let loose in a fog to find your way home. I swan, you all musta pissed God off somehow. In its current meaning (for something to be askew or awry), cattywampus has been fully embraced by the culture it was once poking fun at. "A butter and egg man," has nothing to do with breakfast preferences, it's actually, according to one . As an Amazon, Tripster and CJ Affiliate we may earn from qualifying purchases. "Crushing on Cali.". I'm so hungry I could eat the north end of a south-bound goat. 36 of 63. Its been in use since the 1700s. Tighter than a banjo string. xhr.send(payload); 25 in D1Softball Preseason Poll, Reid Sherman Investment of Raymond James Makes Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Management Teams List, First Lucky Finds Market to Kick-Off Feb. 4; Vendors Still Needed, New Oxford Restaurant Donates Passes to Grand Opening to Arts Council, Open Rehearsal with Oxford Civic Chorus a Chance to See What its All About, Marine Rides Bike 1,700 Miles for Wounded Soldiers, Aldermen Looking to Open Up Boundary for Potential School Board Members. Brad Paisley. (Translation: Apparently pretty happy.). The company's CEO says they're diversifying. ), Skedaddle now aka get out of hereor go on now, Gussied up Dressed up or snazzy looking aka youre not wearing jeans and a t-shirt, Supper The meal that comes after dinner which is the meal that comes after breakfast, we dont have lunch down here, Im just hunky dorey Youre happy, thats all there is to it, Fixin to I am about to do this or that (really this ones easy), cattywampus Meaning screwed up or out of place, Coke aka anything that fizzes or soda, soda pop for the Yankees(coke was born in the south and we prefer to reference everything with carbonation down here as Coke), Aint are not, is not.. whatever you want to say, Umpteen A lot of times or countless times, Tan your hide Youre in for a good whoopin, Sweatin like awhore in churchActuallyrefersto being overly hot and sweaty (because the humidity here is HORRIBLE) much like an uncomfortable prostitute in church, Too big for his britches That guy (or gal) thinks too highly of themselves and needs to bring it down about 5 notches, She was just knee-high to a grasshopper Seriously short, short enough to be compared to a random insect, Snug as a bug in a rug Meaning extremely comfortable, My eyeballs are floatin' This person has to pee, plane and simple, and theyre apparently so full its reached their eyeballs. He's about as useful as a steering wheel on a mule. A pigs ear may look soft, pink, and shiny, but youre not fooling anyone by calling it your new Marc Jacobs bag. Hes richern Croesus. And the truth is, from Louisiana to Rocky Top, from Pensacola to Memphis, we do enjoy a good colloquialism. He squeezes a quarter so tight the eagle screams. ), 12. Good fortune comes to everyone eventually. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. This describes someone with an unfortunate set of buck teeth. One site declared it doesnt amount to a hill of beans is a Southern saying and then explained it entered the public lexicon when Humphrey Bogart said it at the end of Casablanca. From $20.66. navigator.sendBeacon('', payload); (581) $13.29. (Someone not very intelligent.) This was known as the rabbit test. Whether it's attitude or style, we get it from our mamas (and grandmamas). "Beach day is everyday in Cali.". Enough money to burn a wet mule Why a person might choose to burn a soak-ing wet thousand-pound mule is anybodys guess, but the expression was made famous (in some circles) when legendary Louisiana governor Huey Long used it in reference to deep-pocketed nemesis Standard Oil. 38. The book has more than 2,000 witticisms and expressions that you will hear in the South, and will make a train take a dirt road anywhere else.I add sayings to the book now and again. 11. 35. Expressions such as these dont come out of nowhere; most commonly, theyre reflections of the culture from which they arise. "), "Over-the-shoulder boulder holders." Thats a hard dog to keep on the porch. Colorful Southern Expressions About Liars. This phrase is attributed to Benjamin Franklin. 17. 4. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This is a true Southern phrase and its multi-purpose. Depending on your inflection, saying bless your heart can sting worse than any insult. Youre gonna have old and new-monia dressed like that! This phrase made a lot of sense back when many people had to farm for a living. This book is the largest collection of Southern sayings available. You're lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut. Find out more in our Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Another reminder to be measured about what you do and how you do it. 38. I'm so poor I couldn't jump over a nickel to save a dime. Bumfuzzled. (Now this one I've heard in New Jersey.). But we've just realizedthey've passed down their vocabularies too. These cookies do not store any personal information. Moreover, these dirty flirting quotes are ideal for both him and her if you need kinky quotes to say to him or her. Drunker than a monkey. #1 an ant at a family reunion picnic. ), 5. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Im so poor I couldnt jump over a nickel to save a dime. Youre tired and exhausted, Drunk as cooter brownCooter Brown was a character who constantly stayed drunk to avoidthe draft, so simply put.. youre drunk as ever, Buggy aka shopping cart, we prefer to make up our own words for objects though, Used to could I used to be able to do that, now I cant (simple, right? As a transplanted Yankee living in the South, I am often surprised and amazed by the colorful Southern expressions I hear. Woman without curves is like a road without bends. I wouldn't walk across the street to piss on him if he was on fire. But Long, a good ole boy, fought back. A haint, in old Southern terminology, is a ghost, and according to tradition, scalding one will send it running right quick. Original Price 15.04 Things in the South aren't "broken"they're "tore . Sweating very badly. It works for a lot of situations. In the 1840s, the site says, British writers used it to make fun of American Southern slang. He's so ugly, he didn't get hit with the ugly stick, he got whopped with the whole forest! This one's pretty self-explanatory, if you think about the sounds a duck would make while leaving this world. They speculate its a colloquial perversion of cater-corner. Variations include: catawampous, cattywampus, catty wonkus. If you enjoyed this, be sure to check out More Funny Southern Sayings and Southernisms from Readers. What your accent says about you. He could eat corn through a picket fence. It rained like a cow pissin on a flat rock. LeemeIf you dont leeme alone, ima gonna take the long hair on your head, and tie it to the short hair on your ass, and lasso you to a fence post. But in most clichs you can find a kernel of truth. Merriam-Webster dates this phrase, which can be used to modify almost any adjective, back to 1849. Hotter than a half-bred fox in a forest fire. To the uninitiated Yankee who has yet to experience this unique foreign language, Southern sayings and expressions may sound like pure gobbledygook! (Spelling a phonetic guess). Alas, the Federal Trade Commission forced the drug-group to drop the liver portion of the ad, claiming it was deceptive. yapper - mouth. The phrase reportedly originated in C. Davis Diary of 1865. So ugly hed scare a buzzard off a gut pile. You can always count on Grandma to be realistic. $24.98 (50% off) The Dishes Are Looking At Me Dirty Again - Instant Digital Download - svg, png, dxf, and eps files included! Legend tells that he lived on the Mason-Dixon line the border between the North and South during the Civil War. However, there was no way to adjust the volume in those days so the only way to lower the sound was to literally . This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. Ain't: Etymology: contraction of are not - am not : are not : is not - have not : has not - do not : does not : did not. It's hotter than knobs out here. Hes so ugly, hed scare a buzzard off a gut pile. He reportedly said the company had offered legislators as much as $25,000 for their votes to kick him out of office what he called enough money to burn a wet mule. Who would waste all the effort it takes to plant weeds, after all? It's an old Italian proverb that proves at least one form of entertainment is available for pretty much anyone, as explained in Mental Floss. Shes so skinny, you cant even see her shadow. "What do you know?" Google Southern phrases and all manner of little sayings pop up. Hotter than a firecracker lit at both ends. y'all - a contraction of you + all. But it might not mean what you think it means. She was so ugly when she was born that her momma used to borrow a baby to take to church on Sunday. Screaming eagle! 1. Gramophones used to have large trumpet-shaped horns which provided the sound. She's so ugly I'd hire her to haunt a house! If someones got the red ass, theyre madder than dammit. In the '20s, pregnancy tests involved injecting the urine of a person into a small animal such as a rabbit, according to the Oncofertility Consortium. Smile if you just had a naughty thought yep, you just smiled! The adverb "catawampusly" used to be exchangeable for "avidly," while the noun meant a "fantastical creature." He squeezes the quarter so tight the eagle screams. It was used to described a part of something being assembled incorrectly. He couldnt find his ass with both hands in his back pockets. Would be better without the Typos: 1. Wild oats were a type of weed, so the phrase began as a way to mock somebody for wasting time. Grinning like a possum eating a sweet potato For a scavenger accustomed to a diet of bugs, slugs, and roadkill, having a fat, juicy sweet potato to gorge on is like winning the lottery. Southern Sayings About Being Poor & Broke. Hes so cheap he wouldnt give a nickel to see Jesus ridin a bicycle. Dad-gummit. California caption for Instagram - california sayings for instagram. As a common Northerner (I moved to The South from the Pacific Northwest), it was quite an eye opener the . 1. 13. He ran like a scalded haint. 3. Not just angry. } Breastfeeding In Front Of Family Members Doesnt Have To Be Stressful, Have A Valentine's Day To Remember With These Fun Games For Couples, 126 Newlywed Game Questions To Get The Party Started, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills the fastest. 2. So tits on a bull serve no purpose and are therefor useless, Poop or get off the pot (poop isnt generally used here) make a decision or stop worrying about it, Ya Dern Tootin' Meaning they agree with you (I admit, I use this too much for own good), Uglier than sin on Sunday This one should be self explanatory, youre not an attractive person to put it nicely, Well Shit fire and save the matches My grandmother said this, often, even when she hadAlzheimer(the true Southern in ya never leaves!) You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. But, if youre planning to head down south for the winter, you should probably learn a few phrases before you go. Marilyn Caylor is a contributor at SBLY Media. Answer: "Speak of the devil" is part of the expression, "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I'm gonna fetch me the most fetching filly I can find. If a Southerner calls you "ugly," it's most likely not a knock at your physical appearanceit's a deeper criticism. A New York-born actor in a movie set in World War II Morocco? 24 Colorful Southern Sayings You Won't Hear Anywhere Else, For more up-to-date information, sign up for our Most of them mention animals, often dogs. When you hear this phrase, you can interpret it as, "If I had my way" or "If I had my choice." (Most of these comments are made about women. 12. Grinnin' like a possum eatin' a sweet tater. I'll knock you into the middle of next week looking both ways for Sunday! Why so sad? If someones got the red ass, theyve got a burr under their saddle and any other little thing might just set them off. Valentine's Day Gift for Him Sublimation Design. Clumsy as a bull in china shop. Dirt your body. "Flub the dub" means to evade one's doodyNo, duty. "That dog don't hunt" and similar sayings are most popular in Georgia, where they can easily stand in for an explanation that something won't or doesn't work. Not pissed off. 3. If you're a Yankee, West-Coaster, Northwesterner, or a non-American, we've created a video to explain some of the more curious Southern and redneck phrases. It's not a southern expression, but might fit the bill. Today a mild argument might be described as a tiff. 8. While this phrase can be meant sincerely, it usually has an edge. Meaning: (Phrase) When a person says "jerk a knot in your tail" it means to stop being unruly. Southern Voice: a few funny redneck sayings and a photo of my pet dear. This is the couth Southerner's way of insulting your intelligence without using so many words. It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a pool table. The South isnt really big on details. The expression describes someone in an extreme state of upset and anxiety, and, of course, it was used by Tennessee Williams as the title of his Pulitzer-winning 1955 play. RELATED: Can also be used to describe con artists, scoundrels, and silk-tongued lawyers.) (Translation: Run and hide! So what are Southern sayings? When Grandma offers this advice, she wants to ensure that we don't count on something that may not happen. Why do Southerners invoke his name in place of "hell"? He doesn't know whether to check his ass or scratch his watch. A Southerner . Busier than a one-legged man pushing a wheelbarrow. The phrase refers to a key step in horse grooming when a horse runs fast, it works up a sweat, especially under the saddle. What are YOUR favorite Southern phrases? According to The Old Farmer's Almanac, it still is, however, "a direct reference to Jesus Christ and dates back to 1664, when it was first recorded as 'Gemini,' a twist on the Latin phrase Jesu domini.". 1. Every corner of this country has its own regional flare and cultural sayings, but none are as distinct, historically rich, and gosh darn amusing as the ones from The South. We kin see clear to the promised land! Can't Never Could. Won't hit a lick at a snake. Contact us at [emailprotected] for questions or comments. (Your fly's down.) #4 Walmart on Black Friday. 3. So here are some of the best sayings from the past with secretly naughty meanings. Southerners have a way with the English languageespecially when they're insulting you. 9. AKA: "It's time to go!" Reckon so, is a particular favorite. Language discrepancies naturally arise in different geographic regions, like the raging pop vs. soda debate, but the South undoubtedly takes the cake. Another image that's easy to conjure, you'll hear advice put this way if you're rushing into action without thinking things through. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Inebriated Southerners have measured their drunkenness by him ever since. He doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. If injected with a pregnant person's urine, the rabbit's ovaries would react by expanding in size and turning yellow, as further explained by the Oncofertility Consortium. We Northerners may not know what that means, but at least we know where it comes from. Here are 50 of the richest, funniest, and most colorful sayings that a Southerner might say to you. Its raining harder than he said, taking a pause deep enough that it drew painful attention to the fact he had nowhere to go, a cat shaking off fleas.. A pig's ear may look soft, pink, and shiny, but you're not fooling anyone by calling it your new Marc Jacobs bag. ). Find out which popular steakhouse prepared each of these delicious bites of steak below (photos by Morgan Overholt/, Flapjack's Pancake Cabin has six locations around the Smokies (photo by Morgan Overholt/ Popular Dirty dirty Mind Quotes To Share With Him Or Her. If at first you don't succeed, there's surely another strategy to try. It also referred to eating or drinking something in between meals, AKA a snack. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. daily newsletter, You Know You're from the Midwest if You Know What These Words Mean. Best It's Hotter Than Jokes. 11. Who is "Sam Hill"? Over time, the phrase "the rabbit died" became a euphemistic way of saying someone was pregnant. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { Catawampus adj: askew, awry, cater-cornered. Chances are that now right now if you wandered into some random comedy club in America you could find some third-rung comedian with a Southern accent, or Larry the Cable Guy, doing their best five minutes about when Southerners say bless your heart, its an insult. Might take a Yankee like me years to figure out without a translator m! You enjoyed this, but I did n't get hit with the this... Depends on who is saying it and the intention large trumpet-shaped horns which provided the.... It out of a translator contraction of you + all nowhere ; most commonly, theyre than... 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